Cultivos perennes
Productos y servicios
Lo constituye el cultivo y la explotación de fincas agrícolas y comercialización de sus productos, tanto en el interior como la exportación de los mismos, donde se estime oportuno.
Cultivo de frutos con hueso y pepitas
Cultivo de otros árboles y arbustos frutales y frutos secos
Cultivo de frutos con hueso y pepitas
Cultivo de cereales (excepto arroz), leguminosas y semillas oleaginosas
Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits
Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts
The company is engaged in growing and distributing fruits and vegetables. It was incorporated in January of 1988 and has its registered business office strategically located in Cieza, Spain. It offers a wide range of products: from vegetables, domestic and imported fruits, preserves, pickles, vegetables (buds, ajilos, celery, lettuce, and onions), and nuts. The company's distribution of products reaches a wide range of clients, from specialist greengrocers, hospitality, residential, central markets, distribution platforms, and large grocery chains. The services it provides include handling and sale, warehousing, storage, and packaging. Furthermore, it operates large fleet of trucks and vans such as refrigerated trucks. In addition, it provides order-online services.